In 1965 when matt editions first appeared the original price on the books was 2'6 Net - this price continued for the next 6 years when in February 1971 prices changed due to decimalisation. some books from February 1971 until May 1971 can therefore be found to have two prices, 2'6 and 121/2 pence.
The table below shows the prices for each year
Price | Date |
2,6 Net | 1965 - February 1971 |
2/6 Net 121/2p | February 1971 - May 1971 |
15p | 1 June 1971 - 30 April |
18p | 1 May 1974 - 15 June 1975 |
24p | 16 June 1975 - 10 January 1978 |
30p | 11 January 1978 - 24 June 1979 |
40p | 25 June 1979 - 31 December 1980 |
50p | 1 January 1981 - 30 June 1982 |
60p | 1 July 1982 - 31 December 1983 |
70p | 1 January 1984 - 31 December 1985 |
75p | 1 January 1985 - 31 December 1986 |
85p | 1 January 1987 - 31 December 1987 |
90p | 1 January 1988 - 31 December 1988 |
99p | From January 1 1989 |
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Dear Rabybird
I am looking for the story of Smoke and Fluff - two wartime kittens. We adopted a stray cat called Smokey who had quite a distinguished career and I would like to write about this. I see you have SMOKE AND FLUFF listed on your blog - does anyone have a copy they would be able to sell me? Can I post my email address here?
Best wishes to all Ladybird kids.
Did you ever find a copy of Smoke and Fluff? I may have one. Rabskers
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